产品特性:数字式 | 品牌:英勒科 | 系列:HUVT |
型号: HUVT-220VAC-2Z-NZ | 是否进口: | 额定电流:*** |
整定电流:1A | 安装方式:导轨安装 | 灭弧介质:2000V |
额定电压:220V | 线圈电压:220V | 最小包装数:1 |
物料编号:20230312020 | 接线方式:端子接线 | 保护类型:1 |
脱扣方式:控制 | 操作方式:导轨安装 | 功能类型:电网 |
控制电源电压:110V | 辅助触点型式:1 | 响应延时:35ms |
脱扣延时时间:5ms | 触点容量:500VA | 延时范围(s):30ms |
线圈吸合电压:110V | 线圈释放电压:220V | 工作海拔高度:2000 |
工作环境温度:45 | 重量:0.5 | 电压整定范围:10-450V |
HUVT Series of Digital Display Voltage Relay is used as superv***ry action component for under or over voltage in lines
protected by relays.The voltage values for alarm can be set by the users in the setting menu whenthe relay is activated and
the alarm setting for each phase is independent from each other. With the input of auxiliary voltage, the green indicator is
lightened and the voltage detected is compared with the values set. If the detected voltage reaches the values for alarm, the
red indicator flashes and sends alarms. If the detected voltage resumes its normal value within the delay time of “t” , the
flash stops, and the output relay restore its normal position.If the delay time expires and the detected voltage remains
abnormal, the output relay trips.
After the alarm is sent and output relay trips, if all the detected voltages restore the normal values, the red indicator stops
flashing and the output relay restores its normal position.
Multiple Line Product: When indicator U1 is lightened, the LED displays the input voltage value at the U1 terminal; when
U2 is lightened, the LED displays the input voltage value at the U2 terminal; when U3 is lightened, the LED displays the input
voltage value at the U3 terminal. The display of voltage automatically changes at an
interval of 10s, and it can also be changed upon the press of buttons and .
监测电压范围 Range of Superv***ryVoltageU:10~500VAC50Hz
辅助电源工作范围Operation RangeofAuxiliary Power Supply:85~264V(AC/DC)
报警回差 Alarm backlash the alarm value setting:5%
可调报警延时时间 Adjustable Alarm DelayTime t: 0.2~10s(Tolerance of Delay≤5%)
功耗 Power Consumption: ≤5W
触点容量Contact Capacity:在电压不大于250V时:触点长期接通电流为***;在电压不大于250V时:电
When the voltage is less than 250V, the continuous current o fthe contacts is ***; When the voltageis less than 250Vand time constant L/R is 5mSin the DC circuit, the switching capacity
of the contacts is 50W;When the voltage is less than250Vand the power factor COS fis 0.4in
the AC circuit, the switching capacity of the contactsis 250VA.
介质强度Dielectric Strength:继电器各引出端子与外壳之间,应能承受50Hz、2KV,历时1分钟耐压试验而无击穿或闪络现象
50Hz, 2Kv, 1 minute between each of the contactsand the casing, and no sign of breakdown or flashover is detected.
U型35导轨安装 Mounting On profile railTypeU 35
H U V T — 220VAC — 2H2D — NZ
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
① 报警模式:U — 欠压报警 O — 过压报警 X — 特殊模式
② 监控相数:S — 单相 T — 两相 T — 三相
③ 辅助电源:85~264(AC/DC)
④ 触点形式:2Z、2H2D
⑤ 特殊定制代码